Excursus: The Function of the “Hallelujahs” in the Redaction of the Psalter (Z)

Excursus: Redaction Criticism of Psalms 101-106 (H)

Excursus: Acrostics in the Psalter (Z)

Excursus: The Composition of the Egyptian Hallel or Passover Hallel, Psalms 113-118 (Z)

Excursus: The Composition of the So-called Pilgrim Psalter, Psalms 120-134 (Z)

Excursus: The So-called Great Hallel, Psalm 136 (or Pss 135-136) (Z)

Excursus: On the Conception of the Fifth Davidic Psalter, Psalms 138-145 (H)

Excursus: The Composition of the Egyptian Hallel or Passover Hallel, Psalms 113-118 (Z)

Excursus: The Composition of the So-called Little Hallel or Concluding Hallel, Psalms 146-150 (Z)

Excursus: Psalm 151 LXX as an Afterword to the Septuagint Psalter (Z)

creatio prima/creatio continu 316nb
dativus ethicus1) 295
jussive/vetitive 316nc