Preface\\ Mss. consulted for the present work\\ The principal printed texts\\ **Contents** CHAP.\\ I. Introductory. The origin and design of accentuation\\ II. The division, names, and signs of the accents\\ III. The dichotomy. general principles of division\\ IV. Syntactical dichotomy\\ V. Silluq\\ VI. Atnach\\ VII. Zaqeph\\ VIII. S’gôlta\\ IX. Tiphcha\\ X. R’bhîa\\ XI. Pashta, T’bhîr, and T’lîsha\\ XII. Géresh, Pazer, and Great T’lîsha XIII. L’garmeh\\ XIV. Paseq Appendix I. Notes on difficult passages\\ Appendix II. On the so-called Babylonian system of accentuation Index I. Subjects Index II. Hebrew technical terms\\ Index III. Scripture passages