Part II\\ Volume 2: Isaiah Chapters 28-39. [A Gerusalemme è in libero accesso nella sala di lettura //Judaica//, **(ט 891 )**] ---- Introduction to Isaiah chapters 28-39 The first woe cry: 'Woe to the drunkards of Ephraim' (28:1-29) The second woe cry: 'Woe, Ariel' (29:1-14) The third woe cry: 'Woe to those who, away from YHWH, hide deep their counsel' (29:15-24) The fourth woe cry: 'Woe to the stubborn children' (30:1-33) The fifth woe cry: 'Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help' (31:1-32:8) Call to mourn until the spirit comes (32:9-20) The sixth woe cry: 'Woe to you, destroyer' (33:1-24) Call to the Nations to witness the punishment of Edom (34:1-17) Call to the needy to rejoyce over the return to Zion (35:1-10) The fist story: the defeat of the king of Assyria against the God of Israel (36:1-37:38) The second story: King Hezekiah's recovery from illness (38:1-22) The third story: the word about the king of Babylon is good (39:1-8)