W.A.M. Beuken, Servant and herald of good tidings. Isaiah 61 as an interpretation of Isaiah 40-55

Isaiah 61: Massoretic text and colometry

Isaiah 61: Working translation

The spirit of the Lord Y is upon me, because Y has anointed me. To bring good tidings to the afflicted ha has sent me, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and opening to those who are bound.

I. The self-presentation of «the prophet» (61,1-3a)

II. The blessed life brought by the ministry of «the prophet» (61,3-7)

III. God warrants the preaching of «the prophet» (61,8-9)

IV. The rejoicing of «the prophet» (61,10-11)


North, The suffering servant, 1948. vii, 247 p.

esiste una secondo edizione del 1956. — Beauchamp nel suo saggio in Vermeylen 1989, p. [325] cita anche il libro di Grelot del 1981 sul Servo del Signore.